BMW France: incadea.dms BC certification project

bmw france incadea solware auto

As announced in our previous newsletter, BMW has chosen the editor Incadea as its partner for the development of new interfaces.

Indeed, the mission of Incadea is to implement the API’s which will allow the DMS of the distribution networks to interact with the BMW platforms.

As exclusive integrator of Incadea in France, Solware Auto, along with the teams of BMW France, will begin in the next few weeks an important certification process of the product incadea.dms BC.

This certification will allow BMW to validate the business processes proper to the make through those defined in incadea.dms BC. This will also allow to validate that all the interfaces are operational according to the standards of BMW France.

At the end of the certification, the commercial and project teams of Solware Auto will be able to present and implement the last version of Incadea within BMW France distribution network.