What is SaaS?
SaaS means Software as a Service. We can talk about SaaS mode when a user uses an application as a service, i.e. on a per-use basis.
Most of the time, these are web applications or software that the user accesses with an Internet browser. All you need is an Internet connection, a browser, a login and a password to access the hosted software.
More often, for security reasons, providers require a third authentication factor.
This avoids that a hacker can connect after having stolen a login and a password for example, after a phishing campaign.
Why this trend of SaaS mode and what are the advantages?
First of all, yes, it is a deep trend, a fundamental trend even. All software publishers offer their applications in this mode.
This allows the customer’s IT department to avoid deploying this application. There is no need to install a server and there is no need for a complex and specific technical infrastructure. So it’s easier for the customer.
As there is nothing installed at the customer’s place, all operational tasks are carried out by the service provider:
- Updates to the technical infrastructure,
- Upgrades of the application,
- Necessary backups, securing access,
- Hardware obsolescence.
The client will be spared all these time-consuming and detailed tasks.
SaaS mode is also equivalent to a subscription-based business model, which has the valuable advantage that no cash is required to purchase the software or the hardware infrastructure needed to run and operate it.
But be careful, if the SaaS mode means that the software is not installed on the customer’s site, the data is no longer there either. The client must check that the supplier, as a subcontractor, respects the restrictions of the GDPR, as the user remains the data controller, but must also pay attention to the reversibility clause in order to recover the data in a usable format if necessary.
Solware Auto offers you all of its products, winmotor and incadea in SaaS mode.