Solware Auto held its first webinar on cybersecurity 

Solware Auto held its first webinar on cybersecurity 

On 25 July 2024 at 1pm, around forty garage customers registered to follow the webinar organized by the Solware Auto teams on the subject of cybersecurity. 

Cyber risk continues to grow and is an increasing threat to businesses of all sizes. Whereas a decade ago attacks were aimed at large companies, today they are spreading to smaller targets and are widely affecting SMEs and VSEs throughout the world. 

To discuss this topic, Solware invited Laurent BERNIER, co-founder of Cybalgoris and cybersecurity expert, and Nicolas CAMPY, CTO of the Solware group, multi-certified in cybersecurity.  

Participants got an overview of the threat and from Solware’s sharing of experience on the measures implemented to protect themselves, in terms of tools, methods and human behavior. 

The first observation to be made was that there is no such thing as a miracle technological solution. Cyber protection necessarily involves technical tools, but these must be integrated into rigorous processes in which the human factor plays a major role. It is this combination and balance that companies need to find if they are to protect themselves effectively against the specific risks identified in their own business. 

The second observation came from Gérald FERRARO, CEO of Solware. Cybersecurity solutions for SMEs, and even more so for VSEs, are rare, difficult to understand, partial and ill-suited to the challenges and budgets of companies of this size. Answering to this observation, Solware has come up with a comprehensive, simple and easy-to-understand offer to help its customers identify the specific risks faced by automotive repairers, draw up a pragmatic risk-reduction action plan, provide long-term support in implementing this action plan and regularly reassess the risks. The service is available on a predictable, adjusted monthly subscription basis. 

The session ended with a twenty minutes questions and answers session, during which additional information was provided.  

The presentations were well received, and each participant was able to take away simple ideas that can be implemented immediately to improve safety. 

Expectations are high, the subject concerns all companies, and further webinars will be organized between now and the end of 2024.