All experts agree that Africa will be the new vehicles sales market of tomorrow. Currently dominated by the sale of used vehicles, this trend seems to be slowing down to give way to an industrialization of the sector and the promotion of the sale of new vehicles. Many car manufacturers have already taken this step and now produce their vehicles on the African continent.
In a context governed by environmental restrictions in the Western countries, the main players of the automotive distribution are turning to for Africa to meet the growing needs expressed by the middle class, giving priority to markets in which the provision of credit for vehicle purchases is still underdeveloped.
In order to efficiently respond to this growing demand, car makers as well as players of the automotive distribution make sure to implement the business processes imposed by the very nature of the automotive business but also to meet the legal requirements of the various countries. We can mention for example the assumption of responsibility for the warranty on the sale of new vehicles, the presence of after-sales service points ensuring a high-level of field coverage, the availability of spare parts etc. The various players rely on the respect of processes, the control of the various information flows, but also on the use of efficient management tools to guarantee the performance of their investments.
Solware Auto, editor and integrator of management software for the players of the automotive distribution, has been supporting the digitalization of the distirbuiton market in Africa for many years, with local offices. Today, Solware Auto is a major player in Africa thanks to its portfolio of solutions and services that efficiently meet the needs of the importers, distributors and repairers by offering relevant solutions to structure and secure their work processes.
Our customers thus benefit from our close relationship and geographical proximity, our proactivity, the agility of a vertical editor and finally the expertise of an integrator specializing in the automotive industry.
To learn more about our solutions, solutions incadea.DMS and winmotor next and do not hesitate to contact us for more information.